Whatmeans Clean beautyfor BayageBeauty Founder LauraNoltemeyer?
Clean Beauty iscurrently An extraordinarily large one and important things Topic in the beauty and cosmetics industry, but what Clean beauty exactly means, is sometimes Schwierigto interpret.Everyone has a different view and perception of clean beauty and itgive different stages. Does clean beauty only mean free of certain contentSubstanties? Or is itbasicallyfree of animal experiments? Like clean, mine canCosmetics ever his and how do I recognizeReally clean cosmetics?
In order to give you a more precise understanding of Clean Beauty in the Bayage Beauty, we have oursr Founder LauraNoltemeyer 10 questions askedthe one oneblickin the valueimaginations from Bayage.
Laura isselfst already sinceseveralYearsin The beauty industryactive.In thepast she has with manyrenowned Brands worked together andHaTseveral Established products, but also new products gedStet. With the foundation your own brandBayage BeautyHas youwell Products developed according to their ideas andNow gives an insight In yoursBeauty world.
How do you define Clean Beauty?
CleanBeauty it's for meCosmetics, the no unnecessaryInonsense Has, with which I too100% White, that I mineBody and my skinNota pity and as far as it goes the environmentlovely. She is free from Inonsensen thecould be questionable for health. For me is CleanBeauty Not inevitably The same as natural cosmetics, butrather means, that I this producte generally can use a clear conscience.This includesfor exampleEvidence of origin, no Child laborand no exploitation etc.All thishearingT for me toothedefinition of Clean beauty.
What criteriahave to "Clean Beauty" productE forDI fulfill? Do you have the samerequirements like on "ordinary“ Products?
It is very important to me that no animal experiments were carried out or that animals had to suffer for my cosmetics. Animal experiments for cosmetic products are prohibited in the EU anyway, but they are even prescribed in some countries outside the EU. For this reason, we would like to continue to draw attention to the topic. However, this does not mean that cosmetics cannot have animal ingredients, e.g. it could contain honey or beeswax from a species -appropriate, certified beekeeper. However, it should not be tested on animals. That is totally important to me. In our products, we generally avoided animal ingredients. They are completely vegan.
For me, quality and effectiveness must meet the highest demands. Just because certain substances are not included and it is gentler in useIt doesn'ton qualitywaiverET willgot to. Even quite the opposite.It was our motivation, the best products with the highest quality andharmless InhOld Substances heartbellen.
What role do you want Bayage Take in the beauty industry? What do you want to do?
With Bayage we want one up -and -comingr star In the beauty industriesiebe, Innovationsdrive andAwareness of good products create. In our We are researching product development several new ways, aroundqualitative High quality productsto makethat our cleanBeauttery Corresponds to values. We want oursCustomers, but also other participants of the IndUstrie, show thatwithout too toxic substancesamazing Cosmeticsplacedcan be. It is very important to me with a good examplemove forward andwith ourTo create awareness of our customersn. I hope that we tooother companies can make you rethink.
Besides that I see Bayage as a large community in which we combine cosmetics and beauty lovers and people bring togetherthe sameValues and Maybe even a similar way of lifeshare. We want to convey knowledge andfor more Transparency in the beauty industry.
How important is itDir and how strong eighth testDu to the fact that the products you use are sustainable and free of harmful fabrics?
When I was younger and less concerned with the matter, I didn't pay much attention to it. Mit it is indispensable for me and I pay attention enormously on what I buy.
Especially As a woman, I find it important that the productsnone Parabenscontain. Parabens can promote hormonal effects, which is why, as a company and as a consumer, you should pay particular attention to this. I personally trust the products more when they are marked with Clean Beauty - the claim gives me a certain “basic confidence”. Of course, I still look at the ingredients again and I would advise everyone.
Do you now notice this in others toon Situations in your life? Do you pay more attention to yours Consumption behavior, Die InhalTfabrics or the originfrom Productsn?
Yes totally. Ihave been sinceYears thereon, not to use much plastic. You can also start small.For exampleKBuy a plastic bag more when shopping, but take a bag with you, no more straws in the coffeeTo-Go etc. I always try regional andseasonaltoto buy – We have one in Germanyextremely high Standard for fruit and vegetables, this must be supported. That is why, if I can, I always buy food from Germany and support the regional farmers and greengrocers. Besides thatIf there are no long transport routes necessary and CO2 emissions are saved.
Nowadays there are many companies that have their products as "clean beauty" or "natural"stab, but there is a broad spectrum of the importance of these terms. What do you have to pay attention to to look beyond the keywords of the marketing?
I advise everyone to find out about the ingredients and always on theIngredient List (either on the product itself or on the outer packaging). The origin of some fabrics can also be important and the values behind the brand. There are now many certifications in industry.A name For example, a seal of approval can sometimes help you with certain products.However, the conditions here are usually very different.But on the whole, everyone has to decide for themselves how far they can and wants the products to be "clean". What is for youmyself naturally? How far you want to go you have tomyself decide. But a little research never hurt.
Is Clean Beauty just a trend? Or how do you assess the future of Clean Beauty?
It's on everyonecase aTrenD ... AAbout a trend, The stayen is! There are now so many smaller companies thatSocial MEdia very Wellto use, aroundonto attract attention, so thatBig corporationswho didn't pay attention to it beforehand, Finally now have to rethink. Consumer behavior in the beauty industry must be changed: Dhe people have more and more access tooinformation, which oneleads, thatEven with theMasses aUmhens takes place. Thatshould The whole industry now too do!
Every year the cosmetics industry produces around 120 billion packaging (according to ZeroWaste Week, 2018), do you think there is one way to reduce this? HaveDu a few tips?
Definitive! At Bayage we use as little packaging as possible and save unnecessary packaging material. We have a lotensured, thatthe materials are well recyclable. In the end, packaging end up in the trash anyway. It helps when companies refrain from coating the packaging and noneMto use aterial mix. I also think it's a shame ifProductpackaging much largerare as theProductstop. Also when shipping Kecho packagingsmost of timeclearreducerT will: OThe box is too large for the content, through whichthen alsoused too much filling material becomes. That mustsimply not be.
How does the beautyi look for yound industry in 10-15 Years?
A good question. I think thatsaid Fabric (Sulfate,Parabens, Mineral oils, silicones and microplastics) can only be used moderately or at all(allowed to). It will also be onestillGRÖßre diversity oncleans Productsgive, Because the Fsceneryalwaysfurther developed and theConsumers become more conscious. We now have many global influences of distant trends and cultures, which could make themselves very exciting in the future.I think it's important to look globally to look aroundtheConsumers thatBEste from bars and GLobal possibilities andResearch Offer to be able to.
Where do you seeBayage Beauty in 10 years?
Bayage has an incredible growth potential. We are currently workingstillas smallS team together and get incredibly positive feedback Even though we are only on the market for a month. We have an incredible number of ideas and meamcompletely mesecure, thatalso the following productsvery much liked our customerswill.
AUch in othersareaen Like Z.B. Dekorative Cosmetics, Facial andFullPersonal care,Home & Living, as well as accessories, we developalready New innovative products.
1 comment
Liebe Laura,
liebes Bayage Team,
ich bin begeistert von eurem Desgin, eurem coolen Internetauftritt, jedoch voran mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Unglaublich genial wie straight ihr seid. Ich selbst liebe & lebe sehr umweltbewusst, da es zur Natur keine Alternative gibt !
Aktuell darf ich mit einem anderen genialen grünen Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, welches mich absolut begeistert. Daher bin ich selbst als “Green Networker” unterwegs ;-) Nichts desto trotz würde ich eure Produkte gerne testen, daher werde ich mir ein Set ergattern. Ich möchte euch einfach einen dicken Daumen hoch hier lassen, weil ich es einfach bezaubernd finde, was ihr alle auf die Beine stellt. Die Menschen dürfen langsam anfangen umzudenken. Die grüne Revolution darf wachsen. Mit tollen Menschen, die alle die selben Werte teilen, um einen grünen Fußabdruck zu hinterlassen.
“Be the best version of yourself”
Fühlt euch umarmt….:)
Ganz lieben Gruß von Alexandra